Tuesday 9 July 2024

Fogging to control mosquitoes? Here are few concerns to consider

Pyrethroid insecticides used in mosquito fogging operations can have a severe effect on non-target insects, including beneficial pollinators. The insecticides are dispersed as a fine mist or "fog" that can drift and impact insects in the surrounding area.

Studies have shown that thermal fogging with pyrethroid insecticides can reduce populations of resting and biting mosquitoes by 76% and 40% respectively for up to 3 days after treatment. However, this fogging also has a significant impact on non-target insects like pollinators. The insecticides are toxic to a wide range of insects, not just the target mosquitoes.

Therefore, while pyrethroid fogging may be effective at reducing adult mosquito populations in the short term, it comes at the cost of harming beneficial insects in the treated areas. Public health authorities should carefully consider the trade-offs and potential unintended consequences before conducting widespread pyrethroid fogging operations.

To avoid mosquitoes in your neighborhood, take the following steps:

1. **Eliminate standing water** where mosquitoes lay eggs by emptying and scrubbing containers like tires, buckets, planters, toys, pools, birdbaths, and trash containers once a week.

2. **Tightly cover water storage containers** and use wire mesh with holes smaller than an adult mosquito for containers without lids. 

3. **Fill tree holes and repair cracks or gaps in septic tanks** to prevent them from filling with water.

4. **Use bleaching powder to treat large bodies of water** that cannot be covered or dumped out.

5. **Install or repair window and door screens** to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

6. **Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus** when spending time outdoors.

7. **Keep your yard tidy by mowing the lawn regularly and trimming bushes and shrubs** to reduce mosquito hiding spots.

8. **Wear long sleeves, pants, and socks when spending time outdoors** to cover exposed skin.

9. **Consider hiring a professional pest control service** if you have a severe mosquito problem that persists despite your efforts. But make sure to adress only on targetted areas.

By taking these steps, you can significantly reduce mosquito populations in your neighborhood and protect yourself and your family from mosquito-borne diseases.

The best natural methods to repel mosquitoes include:

1. **Camphor**: Burning camphor tablets can drive mosquitoes away due to its strong odor.

2. **Garlic**: Crushing garlic and boiling it in water creates a solution that can kill mosquitoes instantly. This solution can be sprayed around the room.

3. **Coffee Grounds**: Sprinkling coffee grounds in stagnant water can prevent mosquito eggs from hatching.

4. **Lavender Oil**: Applying lavender oil to the skin or spraying it around the home can repel mosquitoes.

5. **Mint**: Using fresh mint or mint oil around the environment can keep mosquitoes away.

6. **Lemongrass**: Burning lemongrass or using lemongrass essential oil can repel mosquitoes.

7. **Cinnamon Oil**: Applying cinnamon oil to the skin or spraying it around the home can repel mosquitoes.

8. **Thyme Oil**: Using thyme oil can also help repel mosquitoes.

9. **Eucalyptus Oil**: Applying eucalyptus oil to the skin or using it in a lamp can repel mosquitoes.

10. **Peppermint Oil**: Diluting peppermint oil with water and spraying it can also repel mosquitoes.

These natural methods can provide effective and safe alternatives to chemical repellents.

-Apoorva BV

Chairman,The Hive 

Instagram: @beeman.india

Fogging to control mosquitoes? Here are few concerns to consider

Pyrethroid insecticides used in mosquito fogging operations can have a severe effect on non-target insects, including beneficial pollinators...